Live Beneath Your minds
Hiduplah dibawah pikiran anda
Return everything you borrow
Return everything you borrow
Kembalikan semua yang kamu pinjam
Stop blaming other people
Stop blaming other people
Berhenti menyalahkan orang lain
Admit it when you make a mistake
Admit it when you make a mistake
Akui bila anda membuat kesalahan
Give clothes not worn to charity
Give clothes not worn to charity
Berikan pakaian yang tidak dipakai sebagai amal
Do something nice and try not to get caught.
Do something nice and try not to get caught.
Lakukanlah sesuatu yang baik dan cobalah untuk tidak diketahui orang.
Listen more; Talk less.
Dengarkan lebih banyak,bicara dikurangi.
Everyday take a 30 minutes to walk.
Luangkan waktu 30 menit untuk berjalan
Strive for excellence not perfection.
Strive for excellence not perfection.
Berjuang untuk keunggulan,Bukan kesempurnaan
Be on time, Don't make excuses.
Be on time, Don't make excuses.
Selalu tepat waktu, Jangan membuat alasan
Don't argue, Get organized.
Jangan berargumen,carilah kata sepakat
Be kind to unkind people.
Be kind to unkind people.
Berbuat baiklah untuk orang-orang yang tidak baik.
Let someone cut ahead of you inline.
Let someone cut ahead of you inline.
Biarkan seseorang yang mencurangi anda
Take time to be alone
Take time to be alone
Luangkan waktu untuk menyendiri
Cultivate good manners
Cultivate good manners
Kembangkan perilaku baik
Be humble.
Be humble.
Jadilah rendah hati
Realize and accept that life's isn't fair.
Realize and accept that life's isn't fair.
Sadarilah dan menerima bahwa hidup di dunia penuh ketidakadilan
Know when to keep your mouth shut.
Know when to keep your mouth shut.
Mengetahui kapan harus tutup mulut dan diam
Go an entry day, without criticizing anyone.
Go an entry day, without criticizing anyone.
Melewati hari tanpa mengeritik siapapun
Learn from the past, Plan for the Future.
Learn from the past, Plan for the Future.
Belajarlah dari masa lalu, Rencanakan masa depan.
Live in the present.
Live in the present.
Hidup di masa kini.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
Jangan lelah karena hal-hal kecil
It's all small stuff.
It's all small stuff.
itu semua adalah hal yang kecil
and don't forget to take your time for a bigger stuff lead up an everlasting life's on heaven
source picture : ALICE POPKORN
source picture : ALICE POPKORN